Paint By Numbers

Paint by Numbers Tips – 10 Tricks to Know Before You Start

1. Select your canvas carefully

The first thing on our list of paint-by-numbers tips is about the canvas. When you’re a complete and inexperienced novice to the world of painting, you should spend some time before jumping headfirst into making your first painting. There are differences in the difficulty, and you should consider them before ordering one. Look at the overall design and try estimating the number of colors – the more colors, the longer it will take. Also, details are something that you should be looking at. The more detailed the picture is, the more time you will need. Some of our canvases have been remarked that they’re suitable for beginners. But generally, we avoid marking the kits with the scale of difficulty because all of them are achievable. It just takes longer and requires more effort. Of course, your first paint-by-numbers masterpiece will take the most time.

2. Stretch your canvas

Just before starting the painting itself, stretch your canvas correctly. It's one of the most underestimated tips for paint by numbers. Our canvases come rolled and adequately packed, so when you unroll them on the flat surface of your workplace, it should be enough. You can also use an easel; it only depends on whether you have one. When it happens that your canvas arrived wrinkled, there’s no need to worry. Just like your clothes coming out of the tumble dryer – a bit of ironing helps.

3. Paint larger areas first

Having the canvas wrinkle-free in front of you, check the sites and look at those larger ones. It’s very recommended to paint them first. By doing so, your work will proceed in faster steps in the beginning and will be more satisfying.

4. Work from left to right

It depends on which side you prefer. If you’re right-handed like most, work from left to right. You will avoid accidental smearing of the wet paint. You will then always have a dry place to rest your hand. But if you’re left-handed, do it the other way around.

5. Stick to painting the same color

When painting one color by another, you will most likely keep them moist during painting, and your paints will stay clean and unspoiled. When you want to change colors, you must wash your brushes in clean water properly and then wipe them dry with a clean cloth. But I recommend not changing it frequently unless it’s essential.

6. Put more paint when using lighter colors

A problem for many of you just starting is that you don’t cover the numbers correctly and then complain that the acrylic paints are not thick enough. There are more easy tricks on how to avoid numbers being visible. The easiest is to paint the numbers twice and use thicker paint. You can also help yourself using a white pen marker to cover the number each time before applying the paint. It makes the work less smooth as you have to put the brush aside each time, grab the pen, whiten the number, and repeat the same. But the result is sure, and you avoid using excess paint.

7. Check the reference guide often

When you start your first painting by numbers, you will notice that some areas are pretty small, and so are the numbers. Customers sometimes refer to that. Some of you are using magnifying glasses or magnifying work lights. You have to know that having those small areas is vital to reach a better detail level.

A great tip to paint in several small areas is to take a photo before starting the painting. Thus, you will always have a reference and a starting point, and you can zoom in on the picture anytime to view the number.

8. Use proper lighting while painting

Apart from using table magnifier lamps, it would be best always to have proper lighting in your room. You will better see the reference guide and the canvas with the small numbers. That means you’ll not get tired quickly. But you will also feel much better when your room has enough natural sunlight. People are not underground creatures; we need sunlight to live and not to feel fatigued.

9. How to melt the paint or recover the dry paint

I advise using only a few clear water drops to melt acrylic paints. I think I mentioned that in our product descriptions. This way, you can control how thick the paint will be and own its effect on the painting. If you want to reuse ancient paint you have as a leftover from your previous works months or years ago, you will need more water. If adding more water doesn’t help, contact us; we might get you the paint you need.

10. Make painting by numbers your new hobby

I’m sure that once you start, you will like it. It’s a very relaxing and joyful activity. Read more on this topic in the Benefits of Painting by Numbers article. You spent the time on your own quietly. It’s almost like a meditation. That is one of the main attributes and positive effects. However, sessions are often organized when a group of people paints everybody the same painting. But that is more a rare occasion.

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